The IfA Mānoa Open House returns on April 10th, 11am-4pm!
Free admission and free parking
Event partners and activities:
Portable planetarium with Bishop Museum
UH Bookstore book and activity sales
Hawaiʻi Lego Users Group (HILUG) display and Lego® building contest
Solar system walk with CFHT and Keck Observatory
Vex IQ Robots with Hawaiʻi Space Grant Consortium
CubeSats with Hawaiʻi Space Flight Laboratory
SmallSats with Team Laniakea
Pan-STARRS and ATLAS sky surveys
Lunar rovers with the UH rover team
Bottle rockets
Solar viewing and solar spectrum
Solar convection demo with National Solar Observatory
Spectroscopy School
Meteorite exploration with HIGP
Sundial making
Hawaiʻi Science and Technology Museum
T-shirt sales
Ask an Astronomer
Family-friendly astro talks