The UH Institute for Astronomy is proud to be a host for this year’s NASA Space Apps Challenge, the largest annual space & science hackathon in the world, with over 25,000 participants globally!
The event runs from 9:00am on October 1 to 11:59pm on Oct. 2; we will have both virtual participants and in-person activities at IfA Mānoa (9a-5p both days). The virtual event is open to participants throughout Hawaiʻi!
To learn more, visit
and read the FAQ.
The main registration happens first at the NASA Space Apps page:
1. Create a Space Apps account at
2. Go to your participant page, choose Location Registration, and search/select “Honolulu” (thatʻs the only local choice, they wouldn’t let us use “Hawaiʻi”)
Even if you will be joining virtually, you must register for our location!
More detailed local registration information will be collected separately at a later date!
After we receive registration info from NASA, we will be sending out emails to gather local participant information and to provide event details.
You will also be able to form teams to work together on a challenge, or you can work individually.
What are the challenges? There are many to choose from, listed at
with more details coming soon.
We are asking our local participants to choose from:
Creative Data Display With the Parker Solar Probe
Save the Earth From Another Carrington Event
Insar Change Detectives
Learning Through the Looking Glass
Visualize the Jovian System Like Never Before
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
Take Flight: Making the Most of NASAʻs Airborne Data
Please spread the word, and register yourself if interested!